Elite Performance Physio Manchester


The Ultimate 7 Step Warm-up Guide for Musicians

Being a professional musician isn’t just about playing and practising your instrument, but also about maintaining your instrument, your instrument isn’t just the one you play – it’s your entire body. At Elite Performance Physio Manchester, we understand the physical demands of musicianship. Here’s your ultimate warm-up guide to prevent injuries and optimise your performance:

Warm up Guide in 7 steps…

  1. Start with Full Body Movement

Begin with light cardio to increase blood flow:

  • Gentle jogging in place for 2-3 minutes 
  • Arm circles: 10 forward, 10 backward
  • Shoulder rolls: 10 forward, 10 backward
  1. Neck and Shoulder Releases

Crucial for all musicians, especially string and wind players:

  • Slow neck rolls: 5 in each direction
  • Shoulder shrugs: Hold for 5 seconds, release. Repeat 5 times
  • Gentle neck stretches: Hold each side for 15-20 seconds
  1. Upper Body Mobility

Essential for all instrumentalists:

  • Torso twists: 10 to each side
  • Side bends: 10 to each side
  • Chest opener: Clasp hands behind back, lift arms. Hold for 20 seconds.
  1. Hand and Wrist Exercises

Vital for preventing repetitive strain injuries:

  • Wrist circles: 10 in each direction
  • Finger spreads: Open and close hands widely 10 times
  • Thumb touches: Touch thumb to each fingertip 5 times
  1. Breathing Exercises

Particularly important for wind and brass players:

  • Deep belly breathing: 5 slow inhales and exhales
  • Pursed lip breathing: Inhale through nose, exhale slowly through pursed lips. Repeat 5 times
  1. Instrument-Specific Warm-Ups
  • Gradually introduce your instrument:
  • Start with long tones or simple scales
  • Progress to more complex passages
  • Focus on relaxed posture and efficient movements
  1. Mental Preparation

Don’t neglect your mind:

  • Take a moment for mindfulness or meditation
  • Visualise a successful performance
  • Set intentions for your practice or performance

Remember, a proper warm-up should take 10-15 minutes. It’s a small investment of time that can significantly improve your performance and longevity as a musician.
